
Lumin New Year Holiday Notice

Published time:2022-12-26 11:35:00

Dear customers and partners,

Firstly, wish you merry Christmas and happy new year.

Secondly, Lumin may postpone order delivery in December.

Lumin notices you that the lead time of your orders may be postponed, just because a lot of workers ask for leave due to  lots of affection by COVID Omicron. But we can resume to work after 5-7 days. We will update the order status to you regularly.

Thirdly, Lumin will have Chinese new year holiday for Spring Festival.
We will close on Juanary 14, and start on January 30, 2023. During the holiday, We will continue to manage your inquiries and orders by email.For important matters, you can call us directly. +86 15875556677

Best regards


December 25, 2022

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